Want to go to the 2025 Learning Through Comparisons Winter Camp in Orlando, Florida, and take advantage of the Early Bird Pricing, but don’t know your schedule yet? Here’s a special offer from PTI that can help.
Starting November 26th, 2024 and ending February 1st, 2025; when you purchase the following 10 videos from the PTI store, the amount of the purchase will count as a prepayment towards the LTC Winter Camp. If you can make the camp, you will have time to practice the kind of material that you will learn in greater detail at the camp: and if it turns out that you can’t attend the camp, you still have some great videos. It’s a win for you either way!
Note: If you purchase all 10 videos listed before February 1st, you will also receive the same free training equipment upon your arrival at camp as if you made a direct Early Bird purchase for the camp. (See the note at the bottom of this page for the equipment list)
Below you will find a list of the videos, a link to the PTI store page where each video can be purchased and a sample technique from that video.
5 ATTACKS MATRIX FOOTWORK DRILLS: 12 Integrated weapon and footwork solo training drills designed around the Matrix striking pattern from the 5 Attacks Subsystem. Taught by Tuhon Bill McGrath.
Run time: 43 minutes. File size 501mb MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/matrix-footwork-drills-mini-lesson
5 ATTACKS SUBSYSTEM MINI LESSON: A lesson on the forward and reverse strikes from the 5 Attacks Subsystem; taught by Tuhon Bill McGrath. Length: 23 minutes. 331 mb MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/5-attacks-mini-lesson
COMBAT WITH BIG BLADES: Drills for a Bowie, Barong, or Bolo, based on Pekiti-Tirsia Contradas principles. Runtime: 24 minutes. 200mb MP4 video.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/combat-with-big-blades-video
PALADIN SWORD: This is the system used by the characters in my fantasy novels and shows long sword and short sword techniques based on Pekiti-Tirsia principles. Runtime: 41 minutes. 446mb Mp4 file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/paladin-sword
BOWIE SEGIDAS SET 1: This video is a version of the 1st set of Pekiti-Tirsia Segidas, modified for a medium blade such as a bowie knife. Runtime: 30 minutes. 95mb MP4 video.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/bowie-seguidas-class-notes
LTC MACHETE & SWORD WARM UP DRILLS: This video is a collection of the LTC sword/machete warm up material found on my Youtube channel, put onto one file that you can keep on your phone for convenient practice. 33 minutes. 362mb MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/learning-through-comparisons-warm-up-drills
LEARNING THROUGH COMPARISONS: Part 1. Abcedarios with the following weapons/tools:
(7 sets, 12 techniques in each set)
1. Heavy Bowie Knife in Corto range,
2. Lightweight Bowie Knife in Largo range,
3. Heavy Kukri in Corto range,
4. Lightweight Kukri in Largo range,
5. Heavy Hatchet,
6. One Handed Tomahawk,
7. Two Handed Tomahawk.
This video explores the differences in how these weapons/tools can be used for self defense based on their differences in design.
Run time: 70 minutes. File size: 873 MB MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/learning-through-comparisons-part-1
Here is a video that focus on the differences in use of three different weapons/tools.
LEARNING THROUGH COMPARISONS: Part 2. Segidas samples with the following weapons/tools:
1. Heavy Bowie Knife in Corto range,
2. Lightweight Bowie Knife in Largo range,
3. Heavy Kukri in Corto range,
4. Lightweight Kukri in Largo range,
5. One Handed Tomahawk,
6. Heavy Hatchet,
7. Two Handed Tomahawk.
This video focuses the drawing of your weapon, with techniques to counter the draw of the opponent’s weapon. Run time: 54 minutes. File size: 803mb MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/learning-through-comparisons-part-2
Drawing and use of the hatchet for self-defense purposes.
12 techniques and 4 footwork drills from Contradas & Recontras with the following weapons/tools: Bowie Knife, Kukri & Tomahawk.
In Pekiti-Tirsia, Contradas techniques are designed for use when the opponent or his weapon is stronger or heavier than you or your weapon, but you have the advantage in speed and maneuverability. Recontras techniques are used when your opponent or his weapon is faster than you or your weapon, but you have the advantage in power. Recontras uses angles and weapon control techniques to nullify the speed of Contradas.
Run time: 43 minutes. File size: 676mb MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/learning-through-comparisons-part-3
A review of the material taught in the Machete as Bridge between Stick and Sword class. 40 minutes. 345mb MP4 video file.
PTI STORE PAGE FOR THIS VIDEO: https://pekiti.com/collections/beginner-videos/products/machete-as-bridge-between-stick-and-sword
For more information on the LTC Winter Camp, visit: https://pekiti.com/blogs/news/2025-learning-through-comparisons-big-blades-winter-camp
LTC WINTER CAMP 1 AND 2 DAY REGISTRATION PAGES: https://pekiti.com/collections/seminars?sort_by=title-ascending#MainContent
Train Hard, but Train Smart,
Tuhon Bill McGrath
NOTE: EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Purchase both days of camp (or all 10 videos listed above) by February 1st and you will receive the following training gear upon your arrival at the camp:
One Rattan stick approximately 36” long. (This will be used as long sword trainers for the Hungarian Saber and Thai Long Sword classes. Then cut down to approximately 24” long for the Filipino Short Sword class).
One of each of the following Cold Steel rubber/polymer trainers:
CS Laredo Bowie Trainer, CS Trench Hawk trainer, CS Kukri trainer.