Here is Tuhon Jack Latorre’s introduction to his notes for set 3 of Pekiti-Tirsia Espada y Daga. Tuhon Jack will be teaching EYD set 3 during each afternoon session of this year's PTI Summer Camp in Brockport, NY.


In this section of the curriculum, Espada Y Daga (sword and dagger) combat is explored as both combatants have their Dagas held in pakal (icepick grip).  Because of the mutual orientation and the danger of the grip, the practitioner generally seeks to use the longer weapon to foil the opponent's pakal techniques, or to avoid the opponent's pakal hand altogether.
    This course of study generally requires some degree of proficiency in Espada Y Daga Levels One and Two (and their prerequisites), as well as Daga Level Three.  As is with the Espada Y Daga  curriculum, Level Three enables the practitioner to improve in other areas, most notably in single stick, empty hand and double knife.
    The Drills lay down the foundation for some the basic theory used against the sword and pakal dagger, using angles one through four.  
    The Attacks teach the practitioner how to interweave the sword and dagger offensively, how to use footwork in conjunction with knife tapping to avoid being hooked, and how to bait using the knife, among other ideas.  There is a more prevalent use of deception concerning the pakal hand, as the practitioner wants to avoid getting caught in mutual hooking/ripping situations.  This is a set of twelve combinations.
    The Disarms resemble the Level Two disarms, as there is one set of twelve:  six disarms against the sword/stick, six disarms against the pakal dagger.  The six sword/stick disarms are identical to the first six disarms of Level Two…the remaining six are different because the scenario is pakal versus pakal.
    The Contradas are twelve "applications" that follow the quick, multiple-hit theory with various points for disengaging from the opponent or switching applications depending on what the opponent does.  
    The Recontras are twelve "applications" that follow the timing-dependent, full-body commitment of its predecessors, usually ending with a takedown, break and/or power hit.
    After proficiency is gained in this area, any form of pakal fighting can be improved with the content learned.  With this in mind, the correlation between double pakal fighting and empty hand combat is also strengthened.

Tuhon Bill McGrath and Guro Jens Thomsen demo techniques 1 & 2 from Pekiti-Tirsia Espada y Daga set 3 Attacks at the Kenpokan Dojo in Hannover, Germany.


Understanding the knife jab in Pekiti-Tirsia. With Tuhon Bill McGrath and Guro Zoltan Juhasz in Szolnok, Hungary.

 Draw number 1 from the PTI Warm-Up video for Espada y Daga set 3.

A solo practice drill for Espada y Daga set 3. 

To view more Pekiti-Tirsia Espada y Daga videos, visit the Espada y Daga playlist on Tuhon Bill's youtube channel

For info on Pekiti-Tirsia seminars, classes and camps, visit:

The PTI video, "Espada y Daga set 3 Warm up." is 34 minutes long and contains a solo training warm up from Tuhon Bill McGrath and a two man practice warm up from Tuhon Jack Latorre.
The price of this video has 3 levels:
1. Free for those attending the 2024 PTI summer camp.
2. $26.50 for PTI members using their 2024 member discount code when ordering.
3. $35 for non-PTI members.
For more info, visit: