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Starting November 26th, 2024 and ending February 1st, 2025, when you purchase the following videos from the PTI store, the amount of the purchase will count as a prepayment towards the LTC Winter camp. If you can’t attend the camp, you still have some great videos; and if you can make the camp, you have time to practice the kind of material that you will learn in greater detail at the camp. It’s a win for you either way! -
How to choose a large knife for survival or general camping use.
An axe or machete, a small woodworking knife and a folding saw would serve you better if you have the room in your pack, but if you want to carry just one tool, a well balanced camp or bowie knife is a good option in many areas of the U.S.
If you do choose the One Tool Option, you will be in good company. Most indigenous peoples around the world carry just one blade and it is usually a big one, like a machete, bolo, parang, kukuri, etc. The men of these groups would traditionally go off on multi-day hunting trips with only one large knife. Remember, it's not the only thing they have to carry and weight carried equals calories used; so there is going to be a tradeoff between tools carried and ease of travel. -
Comparing speed and power between the Bowie, the Kukri and the Tomahawk. 8 videos with text. Tools used in this essay: Cold Steel Leatherneck Bowie, Laredo Rubber Trainer, Gurkha Plus Kukri, Rubber Kukri Trainer, Trail Hawk and an Axe Head Cane cut down to the length of a Trail Hawk. -
How to measure Sticks, Swords, Knives and Spears in the Pekiti-Tirsia System.
I have been asked many times to give the measurements of the Pekiti-Tirsia long sword shown in the PTI logo. The information on the measurements was told to me many years ago by Tuhon Gaje. In this essay I will give the measurements for two swords, the long sword shown in the PTI logo and the short sword that Tuhon Gaje is often shown holding in the photos of him from the early 1980's. I am also including the measurements for training sticks and spears, as well as knives intended for use with Sak-Sak and Pakal grips. -
WHY LEARNING THROUGH COMPARISONS? This course is based on comparing the use of three categories of tools as weapons, the bowie knife, the kukri and the axe/tomahawk. My goal is to show you how to recognize both the pros and cons of each design and how to use them effectively, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses. -
Notes on blade design: Bowie, Kukri & Hand Axe.
Bowie, Kukri & Hand Axe. Notes on blade designs for self defense for blade makers:
(This essay is taken from several lectures I gave on these subjects for the New England Bladesmith's Guild).
Your bladed tool for self defense use should be:
1. Legal in your area for its intended purpose.
2. Practical for use in the 99% of the time you will not be using it for self defense.
3. Have features that will help in a self defense situation, while not making the knife look like a “fighting knife.” -
EDDIE JAFRI AND THE GOLOK (Crazy Eddie stories part 3)
The Golok of Indonesia is a large, stout knife, comparable in use to the Parang of Malaysia and the Bolo of the Philippines. While Google and Youtube will translate golok as “machete,” it’s really a different tool than what we in the west would think of when we use that term. -
BOWIE POINT- Preferred length and shape?
If I ever had to use a bowie knife for defensive purposes, I’d want to cut with maximum effect at the longest possible distance. This means putting the Center of Percussion (C.O.P.) as far forward as possible; while still retaining a functional, piercing point (1). Therefore, I’d want to have a relatively short false edge or swedge (2). For most of my bowies, it seems that a swedge length between 1/4 and 1/3 of the overall blade length strikes the right balance. -
BOWIE KNIFE DESIGN: Trailing Point, Possible Origin and Uses.
. I’ve been interested in the bowie knife for several years now and and have been exploring the pros and cons of different designs. One element I... -
BIG VS SMALL (BLADES) Does Size Really Matter?
Here is an article I wrote for the July 1999 issue of Inside Kung Fu magazine on the subject of knives for self defense use. I was specifically writing about a pet peeve of mine in the 1990s. Some instructors back then were teaching techniques developed in the Philippines and designed for use with a large blade, but were teaching the same techniques to their students in the West, who are carrying much smaller knives. My problem with this was expecting the small knife to be able to do the work of a much larger blade. Like much else in life: SIZE DOES MATTER! -
I’ve been traveling to Finland since the mid-1990s to teach Pekiti-Tirsia seminars hosted by my friend Sensei/Guro Kaj Westersund. Here are some of the knives he and his students have given me, along with a look at my 2009 trip to the shop of Finnish custom knife-maker Markku Vilppola; as well as a look at the Finnish military Ranger knife designed by J.P. Peltonen. -
The purpose of this essay is to help you find a knife handle that will fit your hand by filling in the information often missing on handle dimensions in the specifications on knife maker’s website.
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