PTI Blog

  • Understanding Distance Control and Timing through Drills.

    The main factors that separate beginners from experienced fighters are the latter’s level of understanding of distance control and timing.
    Distance control in striking arts is usually accomplished via footwork: while timing is the ability to use specific elements of fighting at the correct time.
    Getting good at these skills helps you be in the right place, at the right time and using the right tools to accomplish your goals.
  • BOWIE POINT- Preferred length and shape?

    If I ever had to use a bowie knife for defensive purposes, I’d want to cut with maximum effect at the longest possible distance. This means putting the Center of Percussion (C.O.P.) as far forward as possible; while still retaining a functional, piercing point (1). Therefore, I’d want to have a relatively short false edge or swedge (2). For most of my bowies, it seems that a swedge length between 1/4 and 1/3 of the overall blade length strikes the right balance.

    The main purpose of Pekiti-Tirsia hand vs knife training is NOT to end the fight against a knife with your bare hands. The purpose of any good hand vs knife system should be to buy you enough time to make the fight your weapon vs his weapon as soon as possible.
  • THE PEKITI WAY: Teaching the Pekiti-Tirsia system, then and now.

    Here are two lesson plans for teaching the Pekiti-Tirsia system; the Classical way, which Grand Tuhon Gaje learned as a child in the Philippines (...
  • BOWIE KNIFE DESIGN: Trailing Point, Possible Origin and Uses.

    . I’ve been interested in the bowie knife for several years now and and have been exploring the pros and cons of different designs. One element I...
  • BIG VS SMALL (BLADES) Does Size Really Matter?

    Here is an article I wrote for the July 1999 issue of Inside Kung Fu magazine on the subject of knives for self defense use. I was specifically writing about a pet peeve of mine in the 1990s. Some instructors back then were teaching techniques developed in the Philippines and designed for use with a large blade, but were teaching the same techniques to their students in the West, who are carrying much smaller knives. My problem with this was expecting the small knife to be able to do the work of a much larger blade. Like much else in life: SIZE DOES MATTER!
  • Five teaching methods for the martial arts instructor

    This essay will examine five methodologies of teaching techniques and principles for the martial arts instructor. The five methods we will discuss are:

    2.  4 ACES
    3.  3 SUPERHEROS,

    I’ve been traveling to Finland since the mid-1990s to teach Pekiti-Tirsia seminars hosted by my friend Sensei/Guro Kaj Westersund. Here are some of the knives he and his students have given me, along with a look at my 2009 trip to the shop of Finnish custom knife-maker Markku Vilppola; as well as a look at the Finnish military Ranger knife designed by J.P. Peltonen.

    MAGINO'O GURO DAN TERRELL - MARTIAL ARTS BIO: Coach Danny Terrell began his training at 11 in boxing at the Iberia Boxing Club and 2 years of wres...

    The purpose of this essay is to help you find a knife handle that will fit your hand by filling in the information often missing on handle dimensions in the specifications on knife maker’s website. 

    I often gets asked for recommendations of knives for self-defense use.This is usually easy to do, once I get the answers to these two questions:

    1. What is legal for you in your area?

    2. What will you be using the knife for when it is not put to self defense uses? (Which we can usually assume is the vast majority of the time.)

    The one parameter that would often make this choice difficult was when I was asked to recommend a fixed blade for self defense with a blade of less than 4 inches. The problem here is that most fixed blade knives with sub 4” blades have correspondingly small handles. When you have large hands, this can be a problem.

  • How to design a FMA based Self-Defense/Defensive Tactics Drill.

    The drills described in this article come from two sources. The first are the fighting principles found in the Pekiti-Tirsia system of Filipino martial arts. The second are the teaching methods I learned during my time as a defensive tactics instructor for my department.

    I began training in Pekiti-Tirsia in 1975 and began teaching defensive tactics for the NY State Court system in 1987. Both of these have contributed to my understanding of how to teach this material to a wide variety of people. I have tried to structure this article so it can be adapted to any martial arts or defensive tactics program.